

Nabila Putri Profile :

Full name: Athina Nabila Elmias Putri
Popular Name: Nabila Putri
Nickname: Nabila
Name of father / mother: Drs. H. Ec Toto Santoso Yuli MM and Hj. Nancy Ckuwailelah
Place, date of birth: Purwokerto, November 6, 1990
Hobbies: singing, martial arts, writing and watching
Favorite movie: Constantine, The A Team and all good movies
Favorite actor: Vino G Bastian
Favorite actress: Ria Irawan

The experience of Nabila Putri be hosts or presenters, among others:
* Host event 'Wheels Wheels'
* Host the show 'Celebrity Story'
* Co Host event 'enormous buzz' on SCTV
* Presenter Quiz 'Kring Kring FIFA World Cup 2010' at RCTI
* Presenter Quiz 3 Minutes World Cup 2010 on RCTI
* Presenter Indonesian Cup Quiz

Nabila Putri experience in the field of the model include:
* Model Beautiful video for Mother Goddess
* Model Purbasari product photography
* Model photo shoot Telkomsel products
* Model magazine photo shoot

Nabila Putri

Nabila Putri

Nabila Putri

Nabila Putri

Nabila Putri

Nabila Putri

Posted by indonesia on 01.30. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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